Organic skin care is all the rage these days, and with good reason.
The benefits from using strictly organic skin care products are far and above any that you would get from the majority of the creams and lotions that you will find on the market today.
You could even be saving yourself a lot of serious health problems down the road. I say this because the typical cosmetics products are poorly made, and contain little more than potentially harmful chemical agents in them.
Many of these additives and preservatives have been linked to serious health conditions including certain types of cancer. Breast cancer among women has been specifically linked to some of these chemicals.
Parabens are the most widely used preservative agents in the cosmetics industry, and a study a couple of years back found these chemicals inside of breast tumor tissue. These and many other dangerous chemicals await you in the common product.
You would never find these chemicals in truly organic skin care products.
The reason that the cosmetics companies continue to use these chemicals despite the evidence against them is that they are the most cost effective way of formulating their cosmetics products. The threat that these agents pose to your health appears to not be given a thought by these companies.
The need for organic skin care products has long been known, but only in recent years have companies begun to address this problem. The European Union went so far as to ban the majority of the most dangerous of the commonly used chemicals from use in cosmetics products.
Then the EU formed the "Compact for Safe Cosmetic" which binds its signers to an agreement that boasts that the companies that signed will not use any agent which is known to or is suspected of causing physical harm to humans in any way.
These are the companies that you want to buy cosmetics from.
One of the companies that is producing the top organic skin care products is based out of New Zealand. These people have discovered a unique protein blend that actually stimulates your body to regenerate the collagen and elastin that you have been steadily losing through the years due to production decline.
If that discovery wasn't enough to satisfy anyone searching for an answer to regaining younger looking skin, there is also Phytessence Wakame sea kelp extract, which renders inactive the enzymes which break down the hyaluronic acid base in your skin. This allows the base to build back up to normal levels which returns your skin to its natural fullness.
This company is producing effective organic skin care products like no others that have ever been seen before. These products perform wonders in the field of anti aging, and the wonderful thing is that they do it all naturally. These people truly care enough to give you the very best products that they possibly can.