Nautural Herbal Skin Care

Nautural Herbal Skin Care Will Restore Health and Beauty to Your Skin

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to remove stretch marks on breast

Stretch marks on breasts

As much as it hurts to say, the truth is that there is a very common disease in women with a medium and large size of the breasts, and in some cases, even the smallest of the development of this condition, especially after pregnancy and lactation . Not much can be done to keep this outside hydrates the skin to find that there is a good body lotion after every bath, but unfortunately this is not a foolproof method, even a completely healthy skin can sometimes develop marks. Some women simply give up and watch it as a kind of war injuries, but I'm here to prove that your skin look as good as before, if not better.


The key here really is a protein called collagen, the protein of the elasticity of the skin. Although we are always high, is much more produced it, so that the skin can not expand to break, but its production begins to decline, as we have reached adulthood, and finally hears TOGETHER This does not mean the skin breaks, but starts to lose its elasticity over time.

What the present case, the problem with stretch marks breasts are really serious, because the breast is large, the skin is the constant strain on the chest to keep in place when the skin is now more rigid (less elastic), what will happen is that to take the skin and the tear begins is more than stretch marks. If the force of gravity and also take changes in volume add during lactation and pregnancy usually the skin is more resistant to withstand the weight of the chest and quickly increase the volume, and what happens is once again the formation of stretch marks is also why people gain weight to grow too fast or too fast (the builders) often have the same questions, the skin can not simply grow at a fairly rapid pace.

If you are the opportunities today, you read probably tried already, any kind of treatment for stretch marks can be, so a little about them, and why most are not the best objective.

Why do most of the methods are fighting so much with that known?

There was always a lot of creams and lotions that claim to remove them, but best, they simply mix the color a little more, then it becomes less sensitive, but they are always there, even surgery be far wrong, because with wrinkles, you can drag and stretch the skin, which requires exactly the opposite. It is in these methods is really removing the damaged skin done and pull one another in his place is hardly the best solution, and more expensive, because there is no guarantee that the new skin will not grow the same state, and you are not remove the healing of the skin, this, you can also use the bonus of a new scar. What do you really need is a treatment that is corrected, the elasticity of the skin by promoting collagen production in the process of creating a new layer of fresh skin, the deficiencies (including stretch marks and increased much more), this type of treatment collagen Induction Therapy and can be called at home with a Derma roller.

What is the Derma Roller, and how they can help, my stretch marks?

The Derma Roller is nothing more than a roll of plastic with a large number of small needles called micro-needles. I know it feels like a torture device, but the needles are so small (1.5 mm max), you do feel a slight tingling on the skin. It works by using the skins natural reaction to the aggression, if you roll the Derma Roller in the affected areas, what it does, the skin is deep cause enough to puncture the nerve endings, and essentially tells the skin to produce collagen to ' "repair the hole region. Imagine multiplying the thousands of small holes that you made during the trip, and now you have all the skin produces a new layer of new collagen, which begin, a layer of News Coverage of the skin, correction and regeneration of the form all the imperfections of previous stretch marks, as we speak.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Benefits of Organic Skin Care Vs The Dangers of the Typical Chemical Laden Skin Care Products

Benefits of Organic Skin Care Vs The Dangers of the Typical Chemical Laden Skin Care Products

Organic skin care is all the rage these days, and with good reason.

The benefits from using strictly organic skin care products are far and above any that you would get from the majority of the creams and lotions that you will find on the market today.

You could even be saving yourself a lot of serious health problems down the road. I say this because the typical cosmetics products are poorly made, and contain little more than potentially harmful chemical agents in them.

Many of these additives and preservatives have been linked to serious health conditions including certain types of cancer. Breast cancer among women has been specifically linked to some of these chemicals.

Parabens are the most widely used preservative agents in the cosmetics industry, and a study a couple of years back found these chemicals inside of breast tumor tissue. These and many other dangerous chemicals await you in the common product.

You would never find these chemicals in truly organic skin care products.

The reason that the cosmetics companies continue to use these chemicals despite the evidence against them is that they are the most cost effective way of formulating their cosmetics products. The threat that these agents pose to your health appears to not be given a thought by these companies.

The need for organic skin care products has long been known, but only in recent years have companies begun to address this problem. The European Union went so far as to ban the majority of the most dangerous of the commonly used chemicals from use in cosmetics products.

Then the EU formed the "Compact for Safe Cosmetic" which binds its signers to an agreement that boasts that the companies that signed will not use any agent which is known to or is suspected of causing physical harm to humans in any way.

These are the companies that you want to buy cosmetics from.

One of the companies that is producing the top organic skin care products is based out of New Zealand. These people have discovered a unique protein blend that actually stimulates your body to regenerate the collagen and elastin that you have been steadily losing through the years due to production decline.

If that discovery wasn't enough to satisfy anyone searching for an answer to regaining younger looking skin, there is also Phytessence Wakame sea kelp extract, which renders inactive the enzymes which break down the hyaluronic acid base in your skin. This allows the base to build back up to normal levels which returns your skin to its natural fullness.

This company is producing effective organic skin care products like no others that have ever been seen before. These products perform wonders in the field of anti aging, and the wonderful thing is that they do it all naturally. These people truly care enough to give you the very best products that they possibly can.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Body Brushing For Optimum Skin Care

Body Brushing For Optimum Skin Care

Body brushing is one of the most economical and efficient ways to bring out the best of your skin. It also brings out the best of your hard working skin care products. Body brushing is good for everyone, including those with sensitive skin. Even babies can enjoy body brushing, with specially made fine brushes for their gentle skin.

Dry brushing will boost circulation; it pushes the body's ability to eliminate toxins through the lympathac system. This elimination process helps break down fatty pockets, responsible for cellulite.


By a body brush that is firm. Be sure it is not scratchy or too uncomfortable. Choosing a dry brushing product is a personal choice. Some of the types of body brushing products available are loofahs, sisal mitts, long handled brushes, and hand held bristle brushes. Available dry brushing products Use a loofah, sisal mitt, or long handled brush. Choose one that you feel most comfortable using or holding.


Make upward, sweeping movements, starting at your feet. Work up to your legs, thighs, buttocks, stomach. Go gentle on the thighs and stomach area. Brushing too hard on your thighs may break tiny blood vessels and create broken veins or capillaries.

Then move onto your breasts, shoulders, and arms. Remember to work towards the heart. Concentrate on your elbows, and use gentle strokes on your breasts. Choose a long handle body brush for your back. Your back is one of the most neglected areas on our body. Your back needs skin care products just like the rest of your body.

If you have sensitive skin, wet the mitt and use it in the bath or shower with a natural soap or soap free cleanser. The water reduces the friction of the body brush so it will minimize any damage.


Consider body brushing on a daily basis. Those who dry brush regularly do not have a problem with cellulite. Although we know that every woman has cellulite, whether they can see it or not, those who dry brush do not have middle or higher levels or "grades" of cellulite. Those who only occasionally dry brush do not see the benefits of a reduction in cellulite or overall radiant skin tone. Fit dry brushing into your daily routine and you will see a big difference on your skin, and feel the increase energy and vitality in your body.


After dry brushing, take a bath or shower to rinse off the dead skin cells that are lying like dust on the top of your skin. Some of the "dust" on the skin is obvious of the dead skin cells brushed off, but some of the skin cells and other debris cannot be seen with the naked eye. Use a mild soap or an awakening body wash like peppermint or any other mint. It is invigorating and intoxicating.

After a shower, try a cellulite body cream or oil. This is when the cellulite product works best. Since the skin is already invigorated after the body brush, your skin is working in overdrive right now. The blood is circulating and your dead skin cells have been brushed off. Any skin care product applied after a dry brushing regime will increase the potential benefits of your skin care product.

For dry brushing on a baby's skin, try a baby hairbrush used only for the baby's body. This way you control the spread of germs. A baby's hairbrush is made of fine bristles, gentle enough for them, and it works very well on their bodies. You may get a few giggles from your baby doing a dry brush so they will have even more benefits!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Skin Care Foods, Supplements and Toxin Avoidance

Skin Care Foods, Supplements and Toxin Avoidance

Aside from proper daily skin washing, splashing on the toner and moisturizing yourself till you're red, blue or white in the face, you really can do yourself a world of good by working from the inside out. Here are some tips.

Internal: Foods

Skin Antioxidants: Eat foods rich in vitamins C and E or the antioxidant mineral selenium. They help safeguard the skin from sun damage and delay aging by protecting skin elasticity.

Sources: sunflower seeds, peanut butter, avocado, tomato paste, red bell peppers, olive oil, mangoes, peaches, broccoli, spinach, cantaloupe, tangerines, watermelon, orange juice, tilapia, shrimp, turkey, brown rice, chicken breasts mushrooms and eggs.

Skin Hydration: Water helps flush away toxins and keeps cells well-hydrated, which means skin will look firmer and clearer. Although liquids are the main source of water, some foods have such high water content that they contribute to overall hydration.

Sources: apples, blueberries, cherries, grapes, kiwi, lemon, mangoes, watermelon, pineapple, artichokes, beets, celery, cucumbers and yams.

Skin Renewal: Zinc helps maintain the collagen that keeps skin firm; it's also involved in skin renewal.

Sources: pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, fortified whole grain cereals, cashews, lentils, lima beans, fat-free milk, green peas and pork tenderloin.

A Word About Good Fats

Omega 3 essential fatty acids are a special type of protective fat that the body itself cannot manufacture. These good fats douse inflammation in the body and are beneficial for supple skin and joints. Omega-3s come from fish and krill (a type of shrimp-like marine invertebrate animal), flaxseeds and some nuts, but there's a big difference in how well different kinds of Omega-3s are utilized by the body.

Many people believe flaxseeds are an adequate substitute for fish. They're not. Although flaxseeds contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a form of omega-3, only about 10% of ALA is converted to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), the most beneficial forms of omega-3s, precisely the ones that are plentiful in fish oil. Good fish sources: salmon and salmon oil, sardines, anchovies.

Other Good Fats: useful for keeping your skin supple

In addition to fish oil, eat avocados, olive oil, coconut oil (contains a medium chain fatty acid, also helpful for metabolism). Obviously, you don't want to overload your system even with healthful fats. Walnuts play a role in a balanced diet and are a good source of alpha-linoleic acid. They're also high in proteins and vitamins, especially in vitamins B and E groups. Almonds are considered the premier nut to eat. Raw nuts outweigh roasted/salted every which way.

Internal: Healthy Skin Supplements

Many of the following supplements you can take internally are also included in topical skin care products.

Collagen - Collagen is a structural support protein that is essential for firm, youthful skin. Overall, the amount of collagen in the skin tends to decline with age, an ongoing process that is accelerated by a number of factors like sunlight, smoking, free radicals, and inflammation. As the synthesis of new collagen slows down, topical vitamin C is one of the most effective ways to boost collagen synthesis and slow its degradation. If taking a collagen supplement, always take Vitamin C together with it for maximum effect.

DMAE - DMAE is a naturally occurring nutritional substance with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It is found in fish, including wild Alaskan salmon, anchovies, and sardines. Can be taken internally and applied topically (usually combined with other skin care ingredient formulas), it will help increase skin firmness and muscle tone. Topically applied DMAE lotion had positive effects on the skin, greatly increasing the appearance of radiance, tone, and firmness, while decreasing the micro-inflammation in the skin.

Green Tea Extract - Natural polyphenols act as powerful antioxidants to support the fight against the generation of cell-damaging free radicals. They support the strength of capillaries and other blood vessels.

L-Carnosine - L-Carnosine is a dipeptide amino acid composed of the covalently bonded amino acids beta alanine and histidine and is found in the brain, heart, skin, muscles, kidneys and stomach. It supports healthy aging and cellular rejuvenation by its effects on two mechanisms: Glycation and Free Radical Damage. Glycation is uncontrolled crosslinking of cell function and accelerated aging. Effective dosage is 1,000 mg a day.

Proline-Lysine - L-Lysine and l-proline amino acids are the precursors of hydroxylysine (HL), and hydroxyproline (HP), two constituents of collagen.

Collagen is an essential component of arterial linings.

Sea Buckthorn - An Omega-7 fatty acid from a plant that yields a deep-colored oil that is a major source of vitamin C. Sea Buckthorn, is comprised of both palmitoleic and cis-vaccenic acids. Palmitoleic acid is a naturally occurring component of healthy skin and is a highly effective antioxidant providing strong anti-aging support because of its ability to rein in free radicals.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C is an essential component in the body's production of collagen and a potent antioxidant that can help rejuvenate aged and photodamaged skin.

External: Avoid Toxins in Personal Care Products

Skin care products, shampoos, body washes, deodorants and lotions may contain any number of chemicals, including the carcinogenic contaminant 1,4-Dioxane. This is a byproduct of the cancer-causing petrochemical Ethylene Oxide which is used to make harsh ingredients milder. It is also suspected of being toxic to the kidneys, the brain, the respiratory tract, among others. 1,4-Dioxane is also a leading contaminant to groundwater.

Some of the leading natural and organic brands have been found to contain 1,4-Dioxane. So, it's best to read ingredient labels very carefully and avoid these products. In ingredient names, look for: "myreth," "oleth," "laureth," "ceteareth," any other "eth," "PEG," "polyethylene," "polyethylene glycol," "polyoxyethylene," or "oxynol". Also avoid the following:

Artificial Fragrances are among the top known allergens and can cause asthma and trigger attacks. Musks are used as fragrances and can accumulate in your body, disrupting hormones, causing skin irritations and cancer (in laboratory studies).

Mineral Oil, Paraffin, and Petrolatum coat your skin like plastic. They clog pores and create a build-up of toxins. They slow cellular turnover causing earlier signs of aging and are suspected to cause cancer and disrupt hormonal activity.

Parabens are chemicals found in myriad cosmetics, cleansers and in underarm deodorants. They mimic the action of the female hormone estrogen which can drive the growth of human breast tumors. Men will obviously want to avoid them too; they don't need added estrogens in their systems.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Facial Skin Care Products - You Have the Right to Expect Better Results

Facial Skin Care Products - You Have the Right to Expect Better Results

People often underestimate the importance of facial skin care and the products that are used in order to achieve the best results. Too often, either facial care is neglected, or the products that you are using are simply not up to par for the task.

So how do you know a good product from a bad one?

One of the first things that you want to be able to do in order to discern whether or not a facial skin care product is going to be both safe and effective is to read the ingredients label. The label can go a long way towards letting you know whether or not it is a product that you want to put on, or one that you want to put down.

You can never be too careful when buying facial care products, because most of the products that you will happen across will contain potentially harmful ingredients in them. These chemically based creams and lotions are to be avoided like the plague, because the resulting health problems can be very serious.

Many of these ingredients commonly found in over the counter facial skin care products are known to be carcinogenic in nature, and do not belong in any product that is meant to be absorbed by the skin. These chemical agents settle in the body's tissue eventually, and as they continue to build up they will begin to cause changes in your cells.

These changes are what predispose you to contracting various types of cancer - most notably breast cancer. There is a widely used family of preservatives in facial care products that have actually been found inside the tumors of female breast cancer victims. That is a very frightening fact.

What you want to see on the ingredients label of your facial skin care creams and lotions are simple, pure, natural ingredients that are mainly plant based in origin. Plant based oils are the most readily absorbable by the skin due to the similar properties that they share with the oil of our own skin.

There should also be natural vitamins and antioxidants in your facial care formula instead of watered down synthetic versions which are not nearly as potent. Your skin needs as many different antioxidants as it can get in order to rid itself of damaging free radicals, and to repair the damage that they have caused.

Your facial skin care product should also contain proteins which stimulate the increased production of collagen and elastin in your skin.

You don't believe that there is any such thing? Well, up until a very recent discovery by a health and beauty aids manufacturer in New Zealand, there wasn't.

Now though, we have facial care formulas containing Cynergy TK with Functional Keratin which has the power to cause the regeneration of skin cells, and the re-growth of lost collagen and elastin. The New Zealanders' products have done much to level the playing field in the battle against aging skin.

Give their facial skin care program a try, and you'll never go back to the products that you used to buy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What's in Your Baby Lotion? Skin Care Ingredients Information

What's in Your Baby Lotion? Skin Care Ingredients Information

Skin care products, including baby lotion, baby shampoo and baby powder, commonly contain chemical additives. A few ingredients of concern include formaldehyde, mineral oil, parabens, and sulfates. I formulate my own skin care products and a lot of people have asked why there is concern about these ingredients. Below is some information I found about these additives commonly found in skin care products.

Formaldehyde: A chemical that has been known to cause skin rashes and allergic reactions to people with sensitive skin and babies. Formaldehyde can be absorbed through the skin when using personal care products containing it.

Mineral Oil: Commercially produced baby oil usually contains mineral oil which is a by-product in the refinement of petroleum to produce gasoline. Mineral Oil is said to be second to the sun in causing skin cancer.

Parabens: They are used in personal care products as preservatives because they are the cheapest way for manufacturers to control bacterial growth in their products. Common parabens include methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben. Other parabens include isobutylparaben, isopropylparaben, and benzylparaben. There is concern that parabens may contribute to the causes of cancer, specifically breast cancer by mimicking the female hormone, estrogen and accelerating the growth of cancerous cells.

According to the American Cancer Society, studies have not shown any direct link between parabens and breast cancer risk but states that larger studies are needed. (

The use of parabens in personal care products are banned in Europe and have been banned by all the major organic certifiers in the world including the United States, Australia and Japan.

Sodium Laureth Sulfate or Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate (SLES): Chemicals commonly found in many personal care products because they are inexpensive and effective foaming agents. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), also known as Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS) are commonly used alternatives to SLES. These chemicals are either known to be or may be eye and skin irritants.

There are so many products in and around our homes that have been linked to cancer and other less serious issues such as skin irritations so it is hard to know what to use or not use and I think it really comes down to personal choice.

If you love fragrant lotions and other skin care products, you should purchase those products. I think it is best to purchase those products with the least amount of chemical additives. There are a lot of personal care products available that are almost completely natural. Most skin care products such as baby lotion, will and should contain some type of preservative. You can purchase personal care products that are paraben and formaldehyde free. I make and choose to use skin care products made as natural as possible with paraben free preservatives. Bottom line... the choice is yours!

Please note: The information provided in this article is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor or other health care provider. It is not considered to be all inclusive and is based on my own personal research and thoughts. You should consult a qualified health care provider if you have any questions or concerns.

When using any new skin care product, testing a small amount on your inner arm to see if any irritation occurs is recommended. If irritation or sensitivities do occur, discontinue use and dilute affected area with vegetable oil, not water, and dry to reduce irritation.

Women who are pregnant or nursing should consult a physician or medical practitioner before using any product containing essential oil or fragrance oil. Some essential oils have been noted to stimulate the uterus.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nautural Herbal Skin Care Will Restore Health and Beauty to Your Skin

Nautural Herbal Skin Care Will Restore Health and Beauty to Your Skin

Natural herbal skin care probably makes more sense that 90% of the new trends in our society. It leads to improved long term health, beautiful radiant skin land it slows down the aging process. Let's look at how I can make these claims so confidently.

Improved Long Term Health
"Natural" in natural herbal skin care infers that the products do not contain synthetic ingredients formulated in a lab somewhere. The skin is incredibly efficient at absorbing what is put on it. For instance, parabens which are used as preservatives in most skin care products, have been found in breast tissue and are linked to breast cancer.

Another substance you will not find in a truly natural product is mineral oil. Mineral oil is a byproduct of the petroleum industry that is used in skincare products because it costs next to nothing. And that is exactly what it will do to improve the health of your skin.

In fact, mineral oil clogs the pores trapping bacteria and keeping the skin from breathing.

Beautiful Skin
"Herbal" in natural herbal skin care infers the use of plant based ingredients. These are the types of ingredients that nourish the skin, keeping it healthy and radiant looking.

Avocado oil and shea butter are two of the best moisturizers that you can find. They are both very similar to the natural oils found in the skin so they are easily absorbed and coming from plant sources, they are loaded with nutrients.

Shea butter has been shown to help reduce blemishes and scars as well as provides a healing effect for more serious skin issues like psoriasis. Avocado oil lightens the skin while it supplies many vitamins and minerals. Recent studies on avocado oil have shown it to help stimulate the production of collagen in the skin.

Slowing Down the Aging Process
This is a huge claim that many skin care products make. However, only the best natural herbal skin care products are effective. Actually, every thing mentioned to this point will slow down the aging of your skin. Natural moisturizers are essential. Avoiding synthetic or petroleum based ingredients is critical.

However, this is only the starting point. Recent discoveries of science have shown great benefit from herbal products. As mentioned earlier avocado oil builds collagen level. Extrapone nutgrass root has been shown to fade age spots by inhibiting the formation of melanin in the skin.

The most effective way to slow down the aging process is to use natural herbal skin care that supplies nutrients, keeping it healthy, hydrated and firm. This will provide the long term, radiant skin we all desire.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Soda: The Secret Diet Sabotager

Soda: The Secret Diet Sabotager Soft drinks are the single biggest source of calories in the American diet, providing about 7 percent of calories. One can of soda pop contains between 10-12 teaspoons of sugar and around 150 calories, so a few soft drinks can quickly add up to a good portion of your daily calorie intake.

Cutting out soft drinks may be an easy way to help you lose some extra weight. Try switching to water with lemon, unsweetened iced tea, or an occasional spritzer made with a touch of juice (juice contains a lot of calories, so use just a taste) and carbonated water.